Left: Malcolm Middleton, thinking about having a pint and a ride, but will probably only get one of those things.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Malcolm Middleton
Ginger whinger and former Arab Strap miserabilist misanthrope, Malcolm Middleton is a champion of the meloncholy, sucking the joy out of life with his brooding, bleak yet wryly genius observations of life's general shitness. The notorious stygian ging gloom of Arab Strap's output - courtesy also of beardy bandmate Adrian Moffat - neatly surmised the occasionally fraught aspects of being a carrottop: the sexual frustration, the outsider status, the persecution complex, the urge to get pissed up. In fact Middleton is probably getting pished and not having sex as you read this. Age, and the end of Arab Strap, has not quenched his urge to moan about stuff, and his solo work is a testy testament to the uselessness of getting out of bed every morning. He is foxy and from Falkirk.
Left: Malcolm Middleton, thinking about having a pint and a ride, but will probably only get one of those things.
Left: Malcolm Middleton, thinking about having a pint and a ride, but will probably only get one of those things.